Tommy's war history
1968 Biafra
1968 Tjeckoslovakia
1969 Biafra
1970 Poland
1970 Vietnam
1973 Chile
1974 Portugal
1974 Cyprus
1975 UNEF Sinai
1975 Syria
1975 Lebanon
1976 Lebanon
1976 Portugal
1982 Lebanon
1984 Lebanon
1987 Iran-Irak war
1991 Desert Storm
1991 Israel
1991 Croatia
1999 Kosovo
2000 Kosovo
2002 Palestine
2003 Gulf War
2003 Iraq Bagdad
2004 Gaza
2005 Gaza
2009 Somalia piracy
2011 Libya Tripoli
2011 Yemen Sanaa
Courtesy of Tommy Mardell
and family Mardell. All Rights reserved 2008. Copyright
and property Tommy Mardell

Tommy Mardell under fire in Palestine on a mission for Aftonbladet.
Picture by Roger Thuresson |